Horrors of Replacing Broken Pipes in Basement Cement Floors
Broken Pipes are one big pain in the rear end. It is even worse if those pipes are below a cement floor like in your basement. Homes that were built in the 1960's or before probably have some type of metal pipe hopefully galvanized pipes. At any rate if those pipes break you are in for a wonderful and expensive surprise.
Finding the Break
The contractors had a snake epoxy flooring palm beach fl with a camera on the end of it so you can slide it in the pipe to view what is happening in there. They push it up to the point where the break occurs. After about 20 feet they found the break. They then decided to cut the cement above the break in hopes of just repairing the break. What they found was amazing.
The two steps the contractor took to locate the exact spot where to make the cuts in the cement was:
1. Measure the distance the snake traveled and marked several spots on the cement floor.
2. Used a metal detector to help them locate the precise location of the pipe.
After cutting the cement the contractor noticed that rust ate away most of the pipe on the bottom side of the pipe. However, the surrounding dirt keep the pipe in place long enough that we never noticed the leak until it broke loose. After careful examination they rendered the rest of the pipe useless. That meant they needed to replace the entire section of pipe with PVC pipe. As you can imagine now they would need cut the cement for the entire section or length of that particular pipe.
Imagine in your mind the pipe ran from one corner of the utility room, through the rec room and into a bathroom on the opposite corner of the home. A distance of over 30 feet. If you have ever been around a cement cutter you know how dusty things will get even if they wet cut it which is the norm now.
Well, they were able to fix the entire section of pipe, cut in a utility drain in the room and pour cement back into the floor cavity they created. They could only go as far as the bathroom and now they are keeping their fingers crossed that the section outside (which is city lines) holds or it will be the cities turn to replace the broken pipes.
About the only positive is that we purchased the epoxy floor paint from Home Depot and redid the basement floor in the utility room. It took the 3 coats to finally finish the utility room and I've gotta tell you, that paint really looks good.
I know of other people who use the epoxy paint for their garage floor coverings and in every case it looks really good. It works on any type of cement so that is an option you should keep in the back of your mind.
If you are going to be purchasing an existing home in the future try hard to find out if the pipes are pvc or metal. It's just a home repair waiting to happen if the pipes are metal.
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