Dining Etiquette - Basic Dining Etiquette on a First Date


The first date is always fun and exciting. It usually makes your heart beats faster. Some of the best first date ideas are to bring your date to a restaurant for a good dinner. If you are going to a restaurant with your date for the first time, you need to take note of some dining etiquette:

1. Mind your table manner. The objective of the first etiquette certification date is to impress your date and hopes to secure a second date with her. Remember that eating reveals a person's personality. Your date will most probably observe your table manner to determine whether you are the right guy for her. Therefore, get yourself trained with good table manners before bringing your date to a dinner.

2. Know what types of forks and knives to use. If you cannot differentiate a salad fork and a dessert fork, you have some homework to do. Brush up on dining etiquette before your first date.

3. Do not lick your fingers to clean them. You should always use a napkin to clean your fingers. If your fingers are too oily and dirty, you should excuse yourself and wash your hands in the restroom. Finger licking is a complete no-no during first date as it is the big turn off!

4. Have a good conversation with your date. During the meal, try to find out more about your date. Listen more and talk less. If your mouth is full, don't talk. One more thing you must remember is you should not ask personal questions such as sex and income during the first date. These questions may be asked in the future when your date feels more comfortable with you.

5. Choose the right topic to talk about. One of the biggest fears during first date is silence. So you should have some general topics ready before the first date. Read the news to find out the latest current affairs. During the dinner, talk about these topics and try to make the conversation interesting.


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