Epoxy Protection For Your Garage Floor


Epoxy resin is widely recognized as an adhesive for bonding various materials or parts together - ie glue. But given its tough, durable nature, it can also be used as a coating system, which becomes highly resistant to stains from chemicals and protects surfaces from chipping and moisture intrusion.

To ensure successful application of any garage floor coating system, the surface must be prepped adequately to accept the solution. Failure to properly prepare the area can result in the coating delaminating, chipping and lifting from it's intended surface. Inspect your garage floor for any crystalline or powdery indications of moisture problems which can prevent proper adhesion of the coating system to the area.

If the area you indent to coat has already grind and seal albuquerque been treated with something previously and peeling is indicated, then your problems will probably not go away by adding another coat of something else. Which ever product you use, consult the manufacturers instructions for complete preparation instructions and conditions before you apply.

There are some simple steps or tests that you can do to help ensure the surface you want to coat is sufficiently prepared to take the epoxy coating, and properly adhere with the system you intend to use.

First, place a rubber mat on your garage floor and tape it down around the edges. After a day or two, lift the mat up and check for any water that might have collected between the floor and the mat. If there is, then you probably have a moisture problem to deal with before proceeding.

If that's the case, then you might try a sealant specifically designed to solve this problem. This type of sealer should penetrate to seal the water out, and still leave a good rough surface that will allow the coating system to adhere to the flooring. There are usually accompanying products designed to deal with problems like these - again, check with the manufacturer to be sure.

Second, drip a few drops of water onto several areas of the flooring to be protected. You should see the water penetrate the concrete and darken it's color. If the concrete does not discolor or beads up then there might be contamination from automotive oils or other water repellent chemicals, and this could also cause problems with adhesion of a coating system.

Next, try to test a small patch of any oil based paint where oil might be present - such as underneath where car engines would be. Apply a few patches of paint in several places. If after a few months time, these patches are in place, intact, and showing no signs of delaminating then you're probably in good shape to apply your concrete coating system.

As always, consult the product manufacturers guidelines for the final word, but now you know what to expect. You can determine your odds of a successful epoxy coating application before purchasing the final coating product and being surprised or waisting money.


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