How to Stain Concrete - A General Look at How to Breathe New Life Into Your Concrete
The type of concrete stain you prefer will determine your
specific preparation steps. No matter what type of stain is used, all require
adequate cleaning and preparation of the surface. Do not skip this step. It
will affect your overall results and new concrete is no exception.
First, gather all supplies and tools needed. These include personal polished concrete ipswich protective equipment and clothing. If you are dealing with acid or reactive stains be sure to wear appropriate protective clothing including thick pants and socks, long sleeves, safety glasses and gloves. Next, use paper or plastic to mask off and protect the areas you are not staining. If you are acid staining outdoors, protect nearby vegetation or find an eco-friendly stain that will not harm your lawn or plants.
Note: If you are using tape, make sure the tape adhesion
does not leave behind any sticky residue; this will affect the look of your
Repair cracks or flaws in your existing concrete. Use as
close to a cementitious material as possible when filling in cracks. Differences
in texture can create differences in the color and finish. Different levels of
porosity in your concrete will affect how well the stain or dyes penetrate.
Preparing your concrete also includes removing
discoloration, residue, previous sealers, coatings, debris, efflorescence, etc.
If your concrete has been treated with water repellant or curing compounds then
consider removing them as this can prevent penetrating coatings from absorbing
and bonding. The type of coating or contaminant you are trying to remove will
determine what type of stripping agent you should use. Be sure to wash off any
stripping or cleaning residue and wait for the concrete to dry completely
before staining your concrete.
Note: If you are going to acid-stain, do not use acid-based cleaners
or etching agents for prepping your concrete as they will effect the
penetration of the stain.
In many cases, proper pressure washing is required to ensure
the concrete pores are open and to remove obstructing particles. This rule
applies even to new concrete. If you are prepping an interior surface where
pressure washing is not an option, light acid washing, grinding, stripping or
etching practices should be utilized. Again, wash off any residue left behind
from your chosen preparation technique and wait for the concrete to dry before
beginning to stain.
Note: If you've just poured your concrete, make sure it has
cured appropriately before beginning any decorative treatments on it. Refer to
the product label.
Test it:
You're almost ready to start staining. Before you begin,
however, test a small area of the surface with your chosen product to make sure
you have the right color, adhesion, consistency etc. It is important to
remember to use a manufacturer's color chart as a guide only. Each concrete
surface can vary in texture, porosity, age, temperature and more, effecting the
penetration, shade and even the consistency of your stain.
The stain application process differs depending on the type
of stain you are using. We will focus on three main types of stain: acid
stains, water-based stains and dyes.
Acid Stains:
Mix the stain as directed by the manufacturer. Start in one
corner of the area and stain from one side to the other. Then repeat in a
typewriter like fashion being careful to not step on any wet, stained areas.
Note: It is important to ventilate the area.
After letting the first coat dry, which can sometimes take
up to 24 hours, you can repeat the process for applying a second coat. If you
are looking for a rich, marbled or textured look, the successive coats are
applied in the same manner, but more selectively. You can continue to add
textures and layers in different colors to your liking.
Acid staining may be applied with a sprayer, sponge or rag.
It is suggested while one worker sprays, another follows with brushing. The
brush strokes are then sprayed over one more time. This will prevent any
evidence of what method you used being visible in your stain. You can spray on
the stain, roll it on or brush it in depending on the manufacturer's
recommendations. Again, sometimes it is best to use more than one method.
Acid based stain must be neutralized after application.
Residue from the hydrochloric acid etching must be removed and the surface
neutralized to ensure proper adhesion of the sealant. Wash the surface until
nothing but clear water is visible.
Water-based stains:
Mix the stain as directed by the manufacturer. Again, an
easy way to apply the stain is to start in one corner and work your way to the
opposite corner applying the stain from side to side. Some stains may require a
re-brooming technique because of how the pigments are suspended in the mix.
Other stains can be sprayed on with a standard HVLP sprayer. Be sure to read
and refer to all instructions from the manufacturer in order to apply the stain
With water based stains, there is no chemical reaction
taking place between the stain and the concrete as the stain simply penetrates
into the concrete's pores. Therefore, neutralizing the stain after application
is unnecessary.
Dyes may be solvent or water based. Many dyes are formulated
specifically for use with polished concrete surfaces and should be used only
for such purposes. Mix and dilute the dye according to the instructions. To
apply, grind the concrete slab up to 200-400 grit resin level.
Note: The grit level you apply the dye at may vary if the
dye is water-based vs. solvent-based. Read the instructions for the specific
dye you have purchased.
Next, apply the dye according the manufacturer's
instructions. A good approach would be to spray the dye in a consistent,
overlapping circular motion. Once the dye has dried, perform a white rag test
and clean off any excess material. Two applications of the dye may be
necessary. After you have polished the concrete slab to 400 grit resin (again,
this number may be different depending on the type of dye used), apply the
second application of dye. Finish by cleaning off any residual dye and
polishing the surface again.
Note: Some dyes are not meant to be installed on exterior
Once you have stained the concrete to your liking and let it
dry for the recommended amount of time, you are ready to apply a concrete
sealer. It is important to find a sealer compatible with the stain you have
used. Contact the manufacturer for more information. Remember, some sealers
will leave a slick, slippery surface. If this is a concern look for a skid
resistant sealer or non-skid additives that can be mixed into your sealer.
Sealers can be brushed, sprayed or rolled on. No matter what
method you use, be sure to apply adequate, thin layers, especially when using
water-based acrylics. Sealers that are applied too heavily or too sparingly can
ruin the look of your surface and leave you with more work to do. Usually more
than one coat is recommended. Be sure to let the first coat dry sufficiently before
applying another coat.
Note: High speed burnishing may be required for sealers
formulated specifically for dyes and polished concrete surfaces.
After your sealer has finished drying you can further
protect your masterpiece with a floor finish, or wax. You can apply the floor
finish much like the sealer, applying more coats only after the prior coat has
finished drying. Some wax coatings require a buffed finish. Again, be sure to
read all instructions and contact the manufacturer with questions before
beginning to stain or seal your concrete surface.
Note: Wax finishes are not recommended for exterior
Remember that even if you follow every direction and install
your stain seemingly without flaws, in the end, the look is dependent on the
condition of your concrete and the products used. It may not be possible to
completely hide a badly damaged concrete slab with semi-transparent stains.
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