Fixing Your Concrete May Help Sell Your House


There are many opinions about what are the best items to repair, clean up, or modernize when a homeowner decides it is time to sell their home. Some will say it's the bathroom, others say the kitchen or a new roof or new windows. But let's stop to consider something often forgotten. While these suggested fix ups are supported by some sales statistics, I would like to offer yet another fix that I think can help you sell your home, fixing your concrete.

What about the sunken or uneven concrete around your house? Most homes have some concrete, a front sidewalk, steps, a porch, driveways, and more. There can be trip hazards on your entrance sidewalk, sinking steps can cause step heights to vary, and a porch tilting toward the house can cause water damage.

Fixing your concrete may garage flooring tavares fl help sell your home. Curb appeal, the outside or your home, is what potential buyers see first. It has often been said, first impressions are lasting. Focus on that impression. Many times a potential sale can be squashed due to the misconception that a broken up drive or some uneven sidewalk will have to go through an "expensive" replacement and therefore constitutes a reduction in the offer. My advice: don't put yourself in that position.

If you are thinking of selling your home consider repairing these common issues.

Repair any concrete that is a potential safety hazard to guests at your home.

Raise concrete that may grade toward the home which can direct run off water into a basement causing worse problems.

Caulk and repair cracks in your drive.

Raise sunken garage floors so that water doesn't pool.Raise a sagging porch.

Concrete raising is a cost-effective way to repair a sunken sidewalk, some uneven steps, or any other broken or uneven concrete ahead of time so that it's not a negative feature. Concrete raising and repair can be a deal maker rather than a deal breaker!

Your local concrete raising expert is the place to turn. Sometimes called "mudjacking" or "slabjacking" companies, concrete raising companies should be licensed, insured, and should have experience in your area. Ask for references and for examples of previous work. Check your local BBB, and make sure you get an estimate in writing so you know what the repair does and does not cover. A local company with a good reputation that provides a written estimate is your best bet.


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