Concrete Epoxy Coating Means Less Maintenance


One area in the home that is often times overlooked as far as maintenance goes is the various outside surfaces that are walked on or driven on. This probably comes from the belief that most people have about concrete and asphalt. They are hard substances so people think they are indestructible but this is just not true. You can save yourself a lot of headaches down the road if you take care of your driveway or garage floor now. An epoxy coating is a great way to offer the protection these areas need.

There are many floor grip medic types of concrete epoxy coatings available. Use of these coatings can help to keep a driveway looking great and lower the maintenance problems that are associated with surface as it ages. If your home has a concrete driveway, sidewalk or porch, here are some of the advantages of purchasing and applying this coating material.

Stops Freeze Damage

As concrete ages, it can develop microscopic cracks. When it rains, these cracks can fill with water. If temperatures drop below freezing and the water freezes, it expands and can enlarge the cracks. The frozen water starts to weather the concrete and the cycle will only get worse until something is done about it. Applying a sealing coat of epoxy can fill these small cracks and stop the degradation.

Improves Overall Strength

Addition of the epoxy sealer helps to improve the strength of the concrete. Just as water can work its way into those microscopic cracks, so can the liquid sealer. The sealer hardens in effect gluing the concrete back together. This effect strengthens and hardens the concrete surface and causes it to last much longer.

Eliminates Contaminants

Leaking vehicles can drip oil, hydraulic fluids and other liquids onto concrete. With unsealed concrete, these contaminants can soak into the surface causing staining. Once the concrete is sealed, the porosity is lowered so that it is much more difficult for liquid to soak into the material and cause stains. Owners will find that sealed concrete is much easier to keep looking great.

No matter what type of horizontal surfaces are around your home, concrete epoxy coating can help to keep those surfaces looking great. The sealing process keeps out the water that can cause premature weathering of the material. Coatings are available in one part mixtures as well as two part ones. Use of the one part mixture means that they homeowner does not have to do anything after cleaning other than just roll the product out and let it cure. It is recommended, though, that anytime you treat an outside surface where people will be walking that you add an anti-slip traction material.


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